The Museum is open every day by reservation

Shack and puppets 2022

Dal 7 June to 7 settembre 2022 the XVII edition of Baracca e Burattini is back, this year dedicated to Otello Sarzi a hundred years after his birth, with the programming of the Cultural Association 5T.

Puntuale come l’afa di agosto e le zanzare ma molto, molto, molto più divertente, torna il festival estivo di Teatro per ragazzi “Baracca and Puppets,it”. Ce n’è per tutti i gusti: burattini, pupazzi, story, marionette e teatro d’attore! Ogni settimana, in un Comune diverso, una divertente serata per tutta la famiglia!

They are also confirmed for this year i 2 appointments in San Martino in Rio, made thanks to the contribution of the Friends of the cribs of San Martino in Rio who donated the proceeds of the latest collection of cribs.

We are waiting for you at hours 21, nei Prati della Rocca, free entry.

Tuesday 28 June The hands of Hephaestus, of the Divisoperzero company, puppet theater and actors

Tuesday 5 July The true story of Celestino Principe, the Compania Nasinsù, glove puppet theater

Reservations recommended at the number 347 9533262 (via WhatsApp) Monday through Friday from 9 all 13 and from 15 all 18. Reservations for each show can be made from 8 days before the performance and close at 18 the day before the show.

Download the program of the review of Shack and puppets 2022