The Museum is open every day by reservation

EcoSteamLab to the Museum

Here are the new proposals by La Tata Robotica! I am 3 the new appointments scheduled between March and June: laboratori digitali per imparare ad utilizzare in maniera pro-attiva le nuove tecnologie ma anche per parlare di sostenibilità ambientale, a theme that is very close to the Museum's heart.

The workshops take place on Sunday afternoon, dalle 16 all 18 and they are designed for children and teenagers come on 6 to 12 years.
  • Domenica 24 marzo, SMART GARDEN: Thanks to small programmable electronic cards and DIY sensors, we monitor the needs of plants to minimize waste of precious resources such as water (DAI 9 AI 12 YEARS)
  • Domenica 21 April, “SAPIENTINO”: Let's create together a real analog quiz with simple materials and our first electrical circuit with battery and LED. Playing and creating, we discover many curiosities about our splendid planet (DAI 6 TO THEM 11 YEARS)
  • Domenica 9 June, OZOBOT: Laboratory for the critical and creative discovery of robotics, using small robots programmable through the use of colors. We experiment with technology, pennarelli e fogli di carta per dare spazio all’immaginazione (DAI 6 TO THEM 11 YEARS)
Ingresso gratuito solo su prenotazione, while seats last. Le prenotazioni aprono 10 giorni prima del laboratorio.
Info e prenotazioni: 0522 636726 –
Iniziative nell’ambito del progettoMuseum of sustainability,itrealizzato con il contributo di IREN.