Museum of sustainability,it

"Museum of sustainability" is a shared project,,it,a collaboration between the City of San Martino in Rio and Iren,,it,It aims to propose educational activities that stimulate reflection on issues such as sustainability,,it,waste and waste,,it,through the comparison of past and present life life,,it,owned by the City of San Martino in Rio,,it,It offers the opportunity to look at our recent past and see how it has changed the human way of life in the course of a few decades,,it, nato dalla collaborazione tra il Comune di San Martino in Rio e IREN. Si pone come obiettivo quello di proporre attività educative in grado di stimolare una riflessione su tematiche quali sostenibilità, spreco e rifiuti, attraverso il confronto tra la vita di ieri e la vita di oggi. Il Museo dell’Agricoltura e del Mondo Rurale offre la possibilità di guardare al nostro passato recente e vedere come è cambiato lo stile di vita dell’uomo nel corso di pochi decenni.

The project stems from a previous experience,,it,realized in,,it,on the occasion of Expo,,it,and it intends to resume the modalities already experimented,,it,deepen the contents and consolidate the teaching path for add stably integrated into the curriculum Iren and Museum,,it,They will realize guided tours of issues within the Museum of Agriculture and Rural Life for students of second cycle of primary school and the first classes of the secondary school level,,it, realizzata nel 2015 in occasione di Expo, e intende riprendere le modalità già sperimentate, deepen the contents and consolidate the educational path to insert it permanently in the training offer of Iren and the Museum through thematic guided tours inside the Museum of Agriculture and the Rural World aimed at students of the second cycle of primary school and of the first classes of the lower secondary school; the economic contribution of Iren makes it possible to propose the courses proposed free of charge.

The reflection focuses in particular on aspects of daily life: the courses offer the tools to the students, cittadini di domani, per compiere delle scelte consapevoli e adottare comportamenti ecocompatibili, to analyze the data relating to today's energy-water-waste consumption, to think about the consequences that our actions have on the environment and reflect on what each of us can do in his own small way (atteggiamenti sostenibili). The message is obviously not "it was better when it was worse" but look to the past to draw lessons through which this live more consciously,,it,in order to ensure and guarantee us a better future,,it, al fine di garantire e garantirci un futuro migliore.

Project 2023

  • Back Let's compose ourselves well 4th edition, the course dedicated to home composting to learn everything about producing compost in your own home, with Laura Catellani, expert in environmental education. Are expected 2 online theoretical meetings e 1 practical meeting (dates being defined)
  • On the occasion of the European Week for Waste Reduction, this year on the theme of packaging, the museum offers a thematic itinerary on Yesterday's packaging & of today to compare those objects used by farmers of the past to harvest, contain and preserve with the waste we produce today. How our habits have changed? What we buy? What happens to our waste? Dal 4 November to 17 December 2023 in the exhibition rooms of the Rocca Estense. The exhibition will be enriched by some finds from the project Archeoplastica, the museum of ancient waste arrived from the sea.

The events and initiatives of recent years

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