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Education in San Martino in Rio


Il Museo dell’Agricoltura e del Mondo Rurale, in collaboration with the Department of Culture, It has launched a campaign to collect materials in order to rebuild the organization of schools in San Martino in Rio in the first half of '900: where schools in the capital and in the villages were located, how many and what classes were established, how many students, investigating whether they were established male classes, female or mixed, etc… They then seek report cards, Class photographs, textbooks and other documents relating to the territory of San Martino in Rio in the first half of '900.

The materials collected will go to increase the assets kept at the Museum Documentation Centre and will be available in the manner of access established in the Service Charter. The Museum is committed to preserving, study and enhance all the collected materials.

I materiali possono essere donati in originale o in copia, previa compilazione di un modulo di donazione. The module, completed and signed, It must be delivered with the original materials to the Office Museum in the following opening hours: Monday through Friday from 9 all 13, on Saturday from 8.30 all 12.30. Alternatively you can send the form, with scans in high-quality materials, all’indirizzo

For information contact the referent, Dr Giulia Guidetti, to the number 0522 636726.

download the donation form

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