section 9 The experience of knowing how to do

carpenter, bottaio, shoemaker, sarto, maniscalco

The carpenter, cooper and blacksmith represent and transmit the material and cultural values ​​its crafts related to particular areas of work in the fields and furnishing of the house,it. Il sarto e il calzolaio esprimono e comunicano l’incontro tra artigianato e cura della persona. L’artigianato è un universo di gesti e di attrezzi specializzati, but also of attitudes and values ​​such as attention to detail, accuracy, the search for new solutions and new product testing.

The work of craftsmen was closely linked to the rural world; many trades, indeed, born precisely to meet the demands of the farmer who needed tools, rope, containers for its activities in the fields and in the barn. Along with the blacksmith, the carpenter, the farrier existed crafts such as wheelwright, del Sellaio, del cordaio, Tubs, alongside them, the shoemaker, the coppersmith, the tailor, the mender of chairs, l’arrotino. The farmer was able, most of the time, to provide for only small repairs of equipment and furnishings useful to work and family. Many craftsmen had a small shop; others carrying out their work, rather, home, going from house to house.






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